He is counting on winning seats and perhaps a share in the new government. 他期望能获得一些席位,或许还能参与新政府的执政。
Her husband had at last taken a share in disciplining the boy. 她的丈夫最后也加了进来一起教训那个男孩。
He is counting on winning seats and perhaps a share in the new government of Macedonia. 他正期望着能赢得一些席位,或许还能成为马其顿新政府的一员。
The company is offering you the chance to share in its success 公司正向你提供分享其成功的机会。
Everybody shares in the cooking chores. 每个人都帮着做饭。
Everybody has a share in fulfiling the various norms and the overall tasks of the enterprise. 人人身上有指标,全厂任务大家挑。
He persistently asserted his right to a share in the heritage. 他始终声称他有分享那笔遗产的权利。
John offered me a share in the venture but I couldn't raise the money in time and I missed the boat. 约翰要把企业的一份股份出让给我,但我不能及时筹款,结果我错失了良机。
Both partners should share in rearing the family. 抚养子女的责任应由夫妇双方分担。
There is talk that Airbus could snatch even more market share in that deal. 据传空客有可能通过这笔订单攫取到更多的市场份额。
In the U.S., GM gained market share in April and for the first four months of the year. 在美国市场,通用在四月份和今年前四个月的占有率都有所上升。
The cellphone company has a 66% market share in China. 毕竟这家公司在中国的市场份额高达66%。
When they had a highly profitable year everyone in the company would share in that. 当年度效益很好时,公司会分红,人人有份。
But Nokia said it expects to hold or gain market share in the fourth quarter. 但诺基亚表示,预计第四季度其将保持现有市场份额,并有可能实现增长。
So you could be spared from eternity in hell, and so you could share in his glory forever! 因为如此才能使你永远脱离地狱,如此才能使你永远分享他的荣耀。
Fifth, we will get to share in Christ's glory. 最后,我们更可以分享基督的荣耀。
Analysts say they expect BYD's market share in the handset-parts arena to rise. 分析师预计,比亚迪在手机部件领域的市场占有率还会上升。
What are your writing habits? Share in the comments! 你是不是也有自己的写作习惯,在评论中分享一下吧。
The number of SOAs you can share in a three-dimensional hub depends on the trade-offs among the complexity of the project, consolidation issues, and business processes. 在三维中心中您可以共享的SOA的数目依赖于项目复杂性、合并问题及业务流程中的利弊。
It is a great honor for me to share in your accomplishment and pride today. 我很荣幸能在今天分享你们的成就和荣耀。
Friends can also share in your good times-a new baby, a new job, a new house. 朋友也可以同你一起分享快乐的时光&孩子出生、找到新工作、搬进新家。
I must have my share in the conversation, if you are speaking of music. 要是你们谈音乐,就得有我的份儿。
Before investing in a company or buying share in a company listed on a stock exchange, it is vital that you find out about the company's operations. 在对一个公司进行投资或购买某个上市公司的股票之前,了解清楚这个公司的运作情况是非常重要的。
Hollywood has lost market share in some places as other countries develop their own film industries. 随着其他国家自己的电影产业的发展,好莱坞在这些地方的所占的市场份额有所滑落。
And I am hopeful that all countries in the region can share in this goal. 我希望这个地区所有的国家都能共享这个目标。
Our Governors, who are made up of the Ministers of Finance and Development of 188 member countries, also endorsed a goal to boost shared prosperity, so that the bottom 40% of income earners in our member states can share in economic growth. 我们的理事会由188个成员国的财政和发展部长组成,他们还通过一个目标,就是促进共享繁荣,使我们成员国里处于收入最底层的40%人口可以分享经济增长的成果。
The big question for Apple is: Can they hold market share in the high end of the market? 苹果面临的大问题是:他们能守住在高端市场的市场份额吗?
In comparison, Baidu had a 79% share in the first quarter. 相比之下,百度第一季度在国内搜索引擎业务收入中所占份额为79%。